Hey Arnold Wiki

Principal Wartz is a fictional character in the Hey Arnold! TV Series.

He is P.S. 118's principal. He's is a pretty good Karaoke singer, and is a strict, yet usually well-intentioned principal.

While often characterized as bumbling and barely-competent, or at other times childlike but benevolent, Principal Wartz has also been shown to have certain paranoid tendencies, often believing his students are out to get him in some way, or himself plotting to spy on or otherwise entrap them in wrongdoing.

These, among other mannerisms, seems to be a subtle reference to U.S. President Richard Nixon, who also spoke in a way similar to Wartz.

He has lost one toe in an accident which caused him to stop playing hockey ("Hookey").

Appears in


  • When Wartz was a kid, he squealed to the teacher about something his classmates did. As a result, he was given a gold star but became hated by his classmates. ("Full Moon")
  • He has several tiny toy animals that he enjoys playing with, as seen in Helga on the Couch.

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